Martes, Oktubre 30, 2012

Fans (HW3)

Whenever you go outside and saw a person with a long hair, wearing a black shirt, scary and weird looking, you must be wondering, what kind of people is that? They don't belong here in our society.

Heavy metal fans go by a number of different names, including metalhead, headbanger, and thrasher. This vary with time, subculture and regional divisions. 

For the social aspects, in place of typical dancing, metal fans are more likely to mosh or headbang, a movement in which the head is shaken up and down in time with the music.

Fans from the culture often make the "Corna" hand-signal formed by a fist with the "pinkie" and index fingers extended, known variously as the "devil's horns", the "metal fist" and other similar descriptors.

Metal fans not only embrace the music for the talent or the technical ability of musicians, and not only for the excitement of the sound; but also because of the sentiment that one can escape the dull and the mundane, or the stress of life and into the music itself. The music reflects this common attitude as well, especially lyrically as well. Metalheads internationally embrace the music style because of the way it can boost an individual personality over and beyond problematic issues of life. It is a style of music that makes the listener feel empowered.

To be a metal fan is to be part of a lifestyle, to feel a part of something bigger: a culture of individuals on the same wave length that are in the millions across the world. You either get it, or you do not get it. You don’t go through a “metal phase” – once you become a metalhead, it becomes part of who you are, part of how you identify yourself, and part of how you see the world. It is a movement beyond the music, but a movement that is fed by the music, and a music style that is fed by the movement.

Metal has long been criticized as blasphemous or anti-religion, but this stance has proven to be a catalyst for metalheads being well-versed and competent in understanding a variety of aspects of religion, faith, and belief. Whether a metal fan identifies themselves as an atheist, a Christian, a Satanist, or any other number of faiths, you will frequently find that metalheads are very well educated on many aspects of their chosen belief system or philosophy; as well as more often than not other religious beliefs as well.

However, fans become part of the subculture of heavy metal music only to the extent that their high sensation seeking is combined with alienation. Although all three people profiled enjoyed the high sensation qualities of the music, their involvement in the subculture varied according to the depth of their alienation. Jack, deeply alienated, was deeply committed to the subculture.

Pinoy Metal (HW2)

Filipino metal, pinoy metal, OPM (Original Pinoy Metal), whatever you call it, still a groundbreaking and teethgrinding terms for the filipino underground metal scene here in the Philippines. Many youth today supports and attend gigs to promote the metal scene and it varies from different genres starting from: Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Gothic Metal, and Doom Metal.

One of the Filipino metal band that I know is Bloodshedd this is a death thrash metal band who has an extravagant album that I'll probably still listen to after many years when the apocalypse comes. The first time that I listened to them was way back 2007, that was PULP 7 and my initial impression of the band, is the same as with a lot of other Filipino Metal bands playing the streets of Manila, their sound deserves to be on a bigger stage with better equipment. 

As long as I can remember, one of my classmate told me about the Skychurch band who plays groove/crossover genre. The first ever song that I heard from Skychurch was "Kamao".“Kamao” played and it was intense. The song could have done with a better production, but it grew on me. Today, I can say that “Kamao” is a classic that stands to this day. I love how it sounds so raw, so gritty and booming, and I will always remember how it helped me move forward in Metal as a whole. 
Another thing that appealed to me was that these guys were brothers.Three of them, starting a band and playing some metal. People would interchangeably talk about the " Dela Cruz Brothers" as SkyChurch.

There is this group of fans/musicians who create an organization called Filipino Metal. To portray metal through the eyes and ears of Filipino metalheads. Which is aim to publish articles about metal, various opinions and topics affecting Filipinos, and the Filipino Metal scene. It is a gift to the hardworking bands and people that continue to support the metal scene.

For me, as a metalhead and an avid supporter of filipino metal bands, I used to attend gigs to support the band, buy merchandise, cooperate and contribute for the scene. 

Girl Power! :) \m/ (HW1)

If you make create a band, you should not just listen to the music alone but also experience it as a whole - from the sound of every instrument up to the lyrics being sang. Every girl wants to make music because they couldn't go on simply just as listeners only. We always have that brutal force inside us and it compels us to do something about it.

Heavy metal music is not just for macho men, long haired rascals, and deep growling brutes, girls also has the power to conquer the stage. I have found out that many metal bands of different genres is fronted by female vocalists like Angela Gossow of Arch Enemy, Vivian Slaughter of Gallhammer, Heike Langhans of Draconian and for the local acts, Sensi OƱate of Oremuz and Len of Dreaded Mortuary.

I’am fascinated to these gals because of their talents and taste in music.

There is a band named Gallhammer. It is and all-female metal band. This is very rare in their genre which is mainly dominated by male bands like Mettalica. Gallhammer is a Japanese extreme metal group that draws  on black metal, doom metal, and crust punk. They formed in Tokyo in 2003. Their first recording, a free demo tape limited to 30 copies, was distributed at their first gig at Koiwa Death Fest Vol.2, around March 2003, in Japan. In July of the same year, the self-titled demo album was released. Gallhammer released their second full-length album, Ill Innocence, through Peaceville Records in September 2007, followed by a European tour. In March 2008, they did a second European tour. For their third LP The End released in 2011 their guitarist, Mika Penetrator, is not present anymore but nevertheless the band chose to continue as a bass-drums duo

"I can say that raw feelings make a good sound. Because we are not a machine. We could shed blood, could vomit and have feeling of hate. I wanted to express the mental instability and mental cruelty which a girl has. Now, we are holding up pride, hate and life in the front. We are not wearing that dress." -Vivian Slaughter

In the world of heavy metal music, there are no boundaries. No one is limited. Male or female, it will not matter. The music is always more than meets the eye, or rather, what enters the ear. 

Martes, Oktubre 16, 2012

Assignment for October 10,2012

1. Narrowing down the Topic
Topic: Metal Music:

  • About Metal Bands
  • What are the popular Heavy Metal Bands
  • How does the Heavy Metal Bands affects the Society

What are the differences between the Local and Foreign Metal Bands
2. Tentative Outline:

I. History Of Heavy Metal Bands
A. Characteristics of Metal Bands
B.  Middle Ages

II. Difference of Local And Foreign Metal Bands
A. Local Metal Bands and Foreign Metal bands
1. Popular Artists
2. Popular bands
3. Characteristics

III. Effects to the Society
A. good
B. Bad
3. Informal Writing and Informal Writing

Metal Bands have a lots of subgenres one of them is Black metal. The musical approach of that genre are  demonic sound and symphonic sound like Dimmu Borgir or Nightwish. Black metal songs usually deal with subjects like demonic possession, Satanism, paganism and violence.

Heavy metal genre compose of many different styles. Black metal, is one of the extreme sounds, grew out of thrash metal. The first prominent is Norway, it combines blistering metal guitar with a lyrical focus on demons and evil. Bands like Marduk, Mayhem, Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir typify black metal music.

4. Statement of the Problem

  • What are the difference between Local Heavy Metal Bands and Foreign Heavy Metal Bands

Martes, Oktubre 2, 2012


Greetings Everyone!

Before I start my first ever blog, I want you to introduce myself  I am Esther Marie Granada, an Computer Networking student at Asia Pacific College. I am 19 years old, I am not really a fond of Heavy Metal Music but I like their way when their expressing their thoughts and feelings about family, love, government and even religions. I know many of you don't understand what they are really singing when they performed but if you read the lyrics alone that is the time you understand what's the song really means. One of the example of that is Agent Orange by Sodom, what is Agent Orange by the way? is it a person with an orange skin color? or an agent with an orange hair? Agent Orange is a certain type of herbicide that the US military used to make clearings in Vietnam. This kind of Chemical can cause cancer and worst death. Thousands of Vietnamese and US Military died because of that chemical. 

The picture above is the first part, chorus and the first verse of the song Agent Orange by Sodom. Read and you will understand what I am talking about. Heavy Metal Music is not bad, yes it is loud and not good to hear but when you understand what is the real meaning of each song you will be amaze that behind the dirty and awkward look of the performers/bands their have the bright minds and wide imagination to translate what is really happening to each and every country. Reality became music that everybody can relate.

Thanks for reading hope you like it! :)
Rock and Roll \m/