Martes, Oktubre 2, 2012


Greetings Everyone!

Before I start my first ever blog, I want you to introduce myself  I am Esther Marie Granada, an Computer Networking student at Asia Pacific College. I am 19 years old, I am not really a fond of Heavy Metal Music but I like their way when their expressing their thoughts and feelings about family, love, government and even religions. I know many of you don't understand what they are really singing when they performed but if you read the lyrics alone that is the time you understand what's the song really means. One of the example of that is Agent Orange by Sodom, what is Agent Orange by the way? is it a person with an orange skin color? or an agent with an orange hair? Agent Orange is a certain type of herbicide that the US military used to make clearings in Vietnam. This kind of Chemical can cause cancer and worst death. Thousands of Vietnamese and US Military died because of that chemical. 

The picture above is the first part, chorus and the first verse of the song Agent Orange by Sodom. Read and you will understand what I am talking about. Heavy Metal Music is not bad, yes it is loud and not good to hear but when you understand what is the real meaning of each song you will be amaze that behind the dirty and awkward look of the performers/bands their have the bright minds and wide imagination to translate what is really happening to each and every country. Reality became music that everybody can relate.

Thanks for reading hope you like it! :)
Rock and Roll \m/

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