Martes, Nobyembre 27, 2012

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
A. Background of the Study

Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and in the United States.[2] With roots in blues rock and psychedelic rock, the bands that created heavy metal developed a thick, massive sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, and overall loudness. Heavy metal lyrics and performance styles are generally associated with masculinity and machismo. (

Filipinos undue criticisms on the fans of heavy metal, but the true victims are the musicians. Like fans, many criticisms are placed upon the musicians; they are discriminated for their looks, their beliefs, and the music they create. Many venues will not even book bands if the members have long hair, tattoos, and piercing let alone play heavy metal. If a band wishes to lease a property for band practice, they are automatically turned away because it is thought that all metal musicians damage property, do drugs, drink excessively and smash their instruments. Potential employers commonly want to know their employees: their hobbies, what interests them, what they like to do outside of work? Employers frown upon potential or current employees who play in metal bands or are fans of the genre. Although it is getting easier to gain employment if you have tattoos and piercing, the best employers still frown upon this practice. Men with long hair are asked to cut it off or find a polite way to hide it; piercing must be taken out or hidden; all tattoos must be covered up.

 Metal music isn't just noise. It maybe noise to the untrained ear, but it's more than that. It is grace, beauty, power, speed, brutality, it's about writing lyrics that you want to write about, instead of conforming to the mainstream societies views, metal is therapy, when I am down, I put one of my favorite bands on and it cheers me up, when I am angry, I put something fast and thrashy on and it works 100% of the time, Metal is a genre of music which when 'done' right, resonates with the listeners at a subconscious level, it can cause the person to experience emotions in an all new amplified way and best of all, it is about thumbing your nose to the mainstream society and not giving a fuck about what they think about our music.

That is the beauty of Metal music. Musicians shouldn't be forced to write about love because that appeals to the mainstream dominion. They should be able to write about what they want to write about or how they feel at the time or anything they goddamn want to write about. 

B. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer this question:
1.What are the misconceptions about heavy metal bands?

C. Significance of the Study
Filipino Culture. This research paper would be able to help the Filipino to understand more about the heavy metal music especially the people born in the late 70’s, who know for listening in pop songs, ballads, choral music, and other genres.

Fans. The fans would benefit from this study because they would be able to express themselves to other Filipino who doesn’t understand the heavy metal music.

Future Filipino Metals. This study is for the people who are interested to know about the Metal world. To the Filipino who is starting to explore this type of music this is a good start for them to know a little about the heavy metal people.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses about the misconception of the Filipino people about the Heavy Metal Music. The beauty about metal music is the fact that whenever you go to metal gigs, you feel like you’re apart of a brotherhood. A brotherhood where everyone is equal and you can easily have a chat to someone who you don't know and have a chat about metal music. You have done that a few times going to gigs and that’s why you will love going to them and socializing. It actually helps you feel better about yourself as a person, meeting new people, making new friends and of course, listening to great music. 

E. Materials and Method
The first step of the research study is to conduct a survey. This is to know the different aspects of the Lifestyle of the Heavy Metal People.  A survey and feedbacks are necessary in order for the researchers and common people to be well-informed about the general points of view of others. Through the help of surveys the researcher could formulate an incorporate conclusion.

After the survey, the results will be studied thoroughly and then it will proceed on making the different lifestyle of the Filipino Heavy Metals. In this part, the researcher will search on the net of some interview about their lifestyle.
Making the research about the effects of the Lifestyle of the Metalheads. Nevertheless, the researcher uses the reliable source in the internet. Furthermore, the researcher uses social networking sites. To interview people especially that there were many people giving their reactions and ideas. Surely, it will be helpful to the Metalheads community to be more understandable.

F. Definition of Terms

Blues rock - is a musical genre combining bluesy improvisations
over the twelve - bar blues and extended boogie roll styles.

Psychedelic rock
- is that is inspired or influenced by culture and attempts to replicate and enhance the mind-altering experiences of .

Metalheads - Group of musical listeners that are often described as drunkards, partiers  and fighters, but this is a bit of a stereotype.

Brotherhood - Persons, and, poetically, things, of a like kind.

Lifestyle - the way a person lives to one's own ability. 

Dominion - is a term used to describe conservative Christians who are believed to seek influence or control over secular civil government through political action

Mainstream - is the common current thought of majority.

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